Category: Songs
Outside in October
Outside in October
The stems of the bamboos
in my neighbour’s garden
are tall and waxy cream.
Their leaves like the bad hair
of an animated villain.
They sway like an armoury
of thin spears;
rattle, sometimes, in the wind.
It’s a small innocent valley,
where the crabplant
and the blonde-haired pampas
jostle with potatoes;
buried like eggs of ants
in well-tilled mounds,
like mist, evaporating,
under the sun.
Betrayed, their fragility stalls,
and I expect to see
a black-and-white giant
sleeping on the lawn.
From ‘Blodyn‘, my latest poetry collection
A message from the twenty-fourth century
doo yoo woo mooo?
DoO AyE waan tooo?
waa ee ooo poo
fee floo gloo
viaa grnaa
brooa grooa trooa too moo
soo kooo jooo gooo claa mee kii nia
plaa hoo xoiae boeuo
vuo mua trui voo
dooo yooo wooo moooo?
by fuck!