(Interjection on Wednesday November 18th 2015 – as I’m typing this into a Word document ready to be copied into…
Writer and Artist
(Interjection on Wednesday November 18th 2015 – as I’m typing this into a Word document ready to be copied into…
There seems to be nothing there, but there are the uncountable billions of past experiences in this or other lives.…
This, of course, is to no one. This is just me babbling in the dark, somewhere in the depths of…
Here’s an audio recording of this piece – text below: Yesterday, after a breakfast of tea and toast with tahini…
(Also added to recent Gallery) May already be sold. Please contact me for up to date price and availability
‘Add New Post’ This blog / website / whatever it is called now, wants me to add a new post…
This is an extract from one of my books. And now it’s the morning of March 15th 2016. One of…