Black Holes and Sub-Atomic Particles

I read some news
about a huge black hole
that eats a whole star every day.
It is 12 billion light years away.
and its quasar is
7 light years in diameter.

Today I learned that there are
atoms in a grain of sand.

then there are parallel universes
and sub-atomic particles  . . . .

I live somewhere in between all that
and I’m fretting about whether
to have a cup of tea
or a glass of water.

Black Hole

Cutting a key

(From the archives, written in 2013)


When someone pays money to someone else they expect to get what they pay for. When someone does something for someone else they expect something back, usually money.

No one pays for nothing and no one does anything without getting paid or at least receiving something of value equal to what it is they do.

For example I want a a key to my front door cut. There is a nice little ironmongers down the road that always does a great job of cutting keys so I decide to go there. I take a five pound note with me because I’m not sure exactly how much it will cost me to get the key cut.

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