Time Revisited

As the planets roll
I am caught in a bubble
on the sub-atomic motorway
Trundling at the speed of light
there is only one view,
an overall that covers all
and warms this creature
All the magic of all the ages
is contained in my pocket.

The balls of our vision roll
as I roll
beneath the lowest life form
So slow, the speed of light.

There is light, there is love
There is no doubt
no sullied nag
no wind to blow
the sun away
no darkness deep
enough to stay

Create, begin to live again
another flame-flash try
A gleaming clear stack of light

Undulating via carpets of cloud
I ride another tiger tail
catch a star and put it safe
for when I need
to get away.

Survive – and when survival’s beat
when time grows longer
when the silent air
threatens to lay bare
the screaming of the soul
what remains but
self (expression).

Garbled Gobbledy Gook
gooks garbled on my face
and many loving arms
wrap the long nights
in their comfort.

More words spilling
falling perhaps
until my arm
is empty
and needs a fix
to stay

And at the end
we all must ask all
the (same) question.

Inside the darkened life
it’s too weird
too much to cope
too little as it is
without you

So where will this creature find its rest
where it can make a comfy nest
where will it lose itself in joy
where in the world is its new toy?

It’s a night of sadness
of meditation
a night to forget
a night to sigh

Scratching dudes create the tunes
Caring hands caress the bands
All around the people shout
Let me out, let me out.