Free Kindle book – Boys From the Backfields

Backfields-front 1 cover oct 8-2013Do you know how hard it is to get reviews of your books on Amazon?

It’s bloody hard, especially if you don’t cajole and bribe family and friends to write glowing praise whether they’ve read the book or not.

So, you set up a FREE Kindle book promotion and hope that someone will like it enough to write a nice review on Amazon.

So for the next couple of days my novel Boys From the Backfields is available FREE for the Kindle. Click one of the links below to take advantage of this offer. Link: Link:

Here’s some Blurb

Who killed Betty Fish?

In 1963 the world is rocking to the Beatles, and being rocked by the Cold War and the assassination of President Kennedy.

There are far more important things on the mind of Mick Matthews, a 13 year old boy growing up on a council estate in Wales, such as the murder of a middle-aged widow in one of the posh houses across the road. Mick and his small gang are out gathering blackberries and scrumping apples when they witness the murder as it happens.

Around the same time as the demise of Betty Fish, Mick falls in love with the enigmatic Angel, a girl of the same age.

Fifty years later, the murder is still unsolved and the shadows it casts over their lives are as dark as ever.