Category: ART SALE
4 New Paintings for 2019
Completed on the cusp of 2018 and 2019. (‘Scuse the faint shadows on the photos) All are 16″ x 12″…
Sister Liz – a new acrylic painting 1000mm x 1200mm
Same size and type of canvas as Namaste but different orientation Also see Pandora
Namaste – a new acrylic painting 1200mm x 1000mm
My latest painting – finished today – it’s quite big. I love it – it makes me feel good when…
New oil painting – What have I become?
The first painting finished(?) in the new studio – actually painted over a painting done last year that never really…
perplexion of the unfinished mind et al
4 fresh oils on canvas 60cm x 50cm -Framed Spring 2018 £250 each Contact me for availability
Lord Harry for the ZX Spectrum
One from the archives – a game I wrote for the Spectrum in 1983 Might do a T Shirt or…
A Poem and a Painting (and a book)
The full cover of Blodyn – my latest collection of poetry Blodyn the Book – Collected poems 2017 Blodyn the…